Club News

Chance for Change

There has been a lot of focus on Plymouth Parkway this season and the drive for promotion since the merger with Bar Sol Ona at the beginning of the campaign, but the club has not forgotten one of its core values – which is to be able to help out those less fortunate whenever possible.

This past weekend, the club linked up with ‘Chance for Change’ – which is a social impact network working to help young people who have had challenging life experiences. The network is running a programme for teenage boys who are in the process of reintegration after spending time in prison. As part of the rehabilitation process their team have started to take them out to play football.

The team, based in Malawi, Africa, have been appealing for donations of any sort of football kit that would enable them to start their club. Of course, with the merger of Plymouth Parkway and Bar Sol Ona earlier this year, there was a lot of excess kit being unused so General Manager, Andy Notman, got in touch to offer the club’s help.

Andy explains: “Helping charities was always something close to heart at Bar Sol Ona, we helped raise money for The Green Taveners, Crohns and Colitis, Cancer Research UK and the NCPCC over the time we were a club – so being able to add to that list in such a positive way now as part of Plymouth Parkway is a brilliant feeling.

“Football has always been a passion of mine and if there is something we can do to help others that are less fortunate than us get involved in the game – then I see that as a double positive.

“We had a total of four full strips (shirts, shorts and socks), 50 polo shirts, numerous tracksuits and also training kits in storage.  I am pretty sure this will help any team get started.  My only request is if we unearth a superstar within their team, that they please give me a call.”

The kits were donated to Amy Longrigg and Julian Chenery of the charity by Andy Notman and Mark Russell, both formerly of Bar Sol Ona and now the Chairman and General Manager at Plymouth Parkway.

Mark added: “We have always been fortunate to raise money for kits from sponsorship, so have always maintained that if a strip was being replaced then we would pass it on.

“We also did a whip around the club and found some additional kits from Plymouth Parkway that we have also sent to the charity”.

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