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Garry Turner is one of the pillars on which Plymouth Parkway has been built. He is entering his eleventh year as club Groundsman, a role he excels in despite being completely self taught, and is a member of the Institute of Groundsmanship. Garry also lends his services to the management team on matchdays to help cover kit man duties and anything else that allows them to focus on the task in hand of winning football matches.



Peter Joined Plymouth Parkway in 2016 as part of the merger with Bar Sol Ona FC where he was their groundsman.  With a storied past in local football from being “the cat” for St Blazey for many a year to being the head groundsman at local league club Plymouth Argyle, Pete is always on hand to offer advice from the best seed to which striker should be playing.  Famous for adding the extra touch in the form of patterns to the pitch, Pete has been a welcome addition to Parkway.


Matchday Reporter – Graham Lloyd

A Tractor Boy originally from Ipswich, Graham first came to Plymouth to join the Royal Navy in 1966 and has lived in Plymouth since 1979. Living just across the road from Bolitho Park, Graham wandered over to watch a game in the 2010/2011 season, was immediately hooked and has hardly missed a game home or away ever since. With the advent of social media, he first started posting just match scores on Facebook about 5 years ago and this gradually developed into producing a full comprehensive match report on every game.
These reports have subsequently been regularly copied to the Club website, League Websites, Football Forums and Match day programmes all with the aim of raising the Club’s profile far and wide. We now have regular readers in New Zealand, Australia and Canada that we know of. Reports are also copied to the local written media who reproduce the reports either in full or edited form as and when time and space allow. Graham has no journalistic background or experience, but is merely a spectator and supporter who has a love of words, local non-league football and Plymouth Parkway in particular.

Graham is also responsible for updating the fixtures board on the entrance to Manadon site.

Match Day Steward – Roy Randall

Roy Randall is another vital asset in our band of volunteers. Roy duties including meeting and greeting players and officials from visiting teams on match days, manning the players entrance to the pitch and changing room security a role he takes very seriously. Roy has been a season ticket holder for the last five years and is an active member of the Plymouth Parkway Supporters Club

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