Club News

Parkway in Cup Action

After a flurry of league games we now have two back to back Saturday cup games with us travelling to Wiltshire next Saturday in the vase.

Again it’s been another hectic and rollercoaster week for all at the club. All those who witnessed our midweek game against Argyle saw a compelling football match which certainly caught the imagination of the public with nearly 700 watching inside the ground and thousands of views on the live facebook feed from the Cornish football channel.

It was a guessing game all week for myself and Kev trying to find out what squad Argyle would be bringing which was confirmed late afternoon on the Tuesday. With 2 professionals in the side and the remainder second year apprentices the Argyle side still posed a formidable challenge and so it proved.

With strong links to Argyle for many of our existing squad and myself knowing the Argyle lads well it was all set up for a real battle and both sides on the night showed a real desire to win the game. Argyle shaded the first half and we definitely had the better of the second with the Argyle keeper producing a couple of good saves and he will be disappointed not to have tested him further when getting into good positions.
On the night a draw was probably a fair result but myself and Kevin felt we probably played well enough to take all 3 points.

We are aware we have dropped more points than we would have liked at this stage of the season but as we have stated before the league is stronger this season and all sides will drop points along the way. We are sitting nicely just outside the leading pack but poised to take advantage of any slip ups and with fellow title contenders to play it’s still very much all to play for. Winning the title is very much our aim but promotion is the target so a top 3 finish gives us that opportunity and we are confident of achieving this.

Our squad is large and now players are returning from injuries difficult decisions are having to be made regarding squad and team selection and who we take forward into the future. It’s a near impossible task picking the side each week with the quality in depth we have but that’s management and myself and Kevin are working tirelessly to get it right.

Onto today’s match and it’s a quick return to Bolitho for our opponents Exmouth. Our recent league encounter was a hard fought affair which we edged by the only goal and we are expecting more of the same this afternoon. Exmouths win at Tavistock the game after underlines their quality but they will be disappointed at their midweek reverse to Witheridge.

We want to progress in all cups and take them all very seriously and this competition is one all Premier sides have one eye on winning so a real tussle is on the cards today. We feel we are playing well at the moment without getting the just rewards in terms of converting the chances we create and have had discussions with the players in relation to this area of the pitch and hopefully this comes to fruition today.

Home again on Tuesday in the league to Camelford and then the Vase on Saturday so plenty of football again over the next 7 days, be great to count on your fantastic support again.


Enjoy the match

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