Ukraine Crisis Appeal
With all the terrible scenes we are all seeing in Ukraine. Plymouth Parkway in association with The Adrenalin Devon Junior and Minor League are doing a collection to provide 50% support to Shelterbox who are providing emergency tents to people fleeing their country and 50% to the British Red Cross for medical supplies.
There will be a collection at the game against Barnstable on Tuesday but also below is a donate button where you can donate to help.
Please donate what you can and at the end of this week we will pass all the money raised onto The Adrenalin Devon Junior and Minor League to put together with all the money collected from all clubs.
Chairman Mark Russell said “With all the terrible scenes we are all witnessing every day on tv, we as a club wanted to do what little we can to help the people in need at this very difficult time. Please donate below or on Tuesday at our game, thank you in advance for your support”