Inside the Parkway Community with Sarah and Mark
We chatted with devoted supporters, Sarah and Mark to get their Parkway story.Keira - 2 February 2023
Sarah has been a fantastic help with all things Parkway. Not only is she a lover of the Yellows and, perhaps it could be fair to say a mother figure to all particularly on away days, Sarah has jumped in to help with the bar on several occassions when things have gotten a bit busier than planned!
Rumour has it, Sarah makes the best bacon and sausage butties on away days which help kick start everyone’s day on the coach.
So, how did Sarah get involved with the club? Well, we caught up with her to ask her just that:
“My role with parkway started through my other half, Mark.
I spent many years waiting for him to come home from football until one day I thought, stuff this, I’m coming with you to see what the attraction is. I think it was an away game over Xmas 4 years ago when we played Cadbury Heath.
The away games are hard going but they are the best days; early starts, late nights home, bacon rolls and of course the party home, especially after a win.
May it long continue, thank you parkway …. And my boys of course !!”
Mark, or Sparky as you may know him better, has been involved with the club on and off for around 14 years and got involved when there was an issue with the lights during an evening game whilst Parkway were winning 9-0.
Mark and Sarah are real assets to the club and demonstrate what this club is all about; it is built on firm foundations developed from the community spirit, a true labour of love for many.
Without the likes of Sarah and Mark, and the many many others who help keep the cogs turning in all other aspects of the club, Parkway wouldn’t be what it is!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank them both for their efforts, particularly Mark’s recent spate with the floodlights after having put all the hours in, rain and shine (mostly rain!) avoiding having to further postpone any fixtures. There is no doubt that that week caused sleepless nights for many!
And, we would like to extend our thanks to the entire Parkway community – you help make this possible!